• A Dream Wild Encounter with Humpback Whales

      An Extraordinary Wild Encounter

      We were at the tail end of our migratory whale season, with the bulk of our leviathan visitors having already skirted our section of coastline on their way back to their plankton-rich feeding grounds near Antarctica (or, some believe, up the West Coast of Africa which also has a food source.) Unlike mid whale watching […]

    • Whale Strandings

      Swartvlei Beach the final resting ground for two whale species

      Our southern oceans boast a prolific number of whales during the annual migration period. We are privileged to be able to observe them in brief glimpses as they navigate the length of our Southern African coastline. Sadly, from time to time, whales get stranded alive or wash up dead upon our shores. Such is the […]

    • Happy Humpback Mothers Day

      A Mother's Love

      Motherhood. I’m pretty sure there isn’t even a word in the dictionary which can aptly describe that feeling a woman has when her baby takes its first breath in the world. When everything suddenly makes perfect sense and the need to love, protect and cherish one’s child takes precedence over all else. Motherly instincts are […]

    • The Fantastic Flukes of Sea Angels

      A Thousand Word Photo Essay

      Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), our much-loved migratory species, display, like other whales, unique patterns of pigmentation, trailing edges and scars on their flukes that are unique to each whale, much like fingerprints are to humans.