• What to expect when expecting…. WHALES!

      Its that time of the year again when our gentle giants come out to play! Here is what to expect.....

      Ooh, baby, it’s cold outside! But that’s exactly where we want to be, out on the big blue with our migratory whales! This is an exciting time of the year to witness the great migration of our ocean giants! So, since it is officially whale season, we would like to make sure that you have all the information you need and what to expect on our Close Encounter Whale Watching tours!

    • 20 Reasons to Visit Knysna in 2020


      The Greater Knysna region is often dubbed  ‘Nature’s Playground’ and this popular coastal region is celebrated for many things: festivals, ancient forests, whales, beaches, lakes, rivers, oysters and seahorses. It is all of these and so much more. Whatever your interests, Knysna offers something for everyone, here are 20 Reasons to Visit Knysna in 2020 […]

    • Knysna’s Whale Watching Season Highlights

      Another Memorable Whale Migration

      As the last of December’s long, balmy days draw to an end, it is the perfect time to pause and reflect on the year behind us. We were once again blessed with a phenomenal whale watching season and even though the whales have left Knysna’s waters until their next annual migration, the unforgettable close encounters […]

    • Ocean Odyssey Showcases the natural wonders of Knysna

      Food for the Soul

        Every year, Knysna lures thousands of visitors in search of soul food. A veritable nature’s playground, lovers of the great outdoors are utterly spoilt for choice when they visit our area. If you cast your gaze northward, you will see the sinuous outline of the Outeniqua Mountain range standing sentinel over the Greater Knysna […]

    • Behind the Scenes

      Of our Ocean Odyssey Dream Team

        Since Evelyn Pepler took the helm of Ocean Odyssey in 2012, the company has gone from strength to strength and we owe our success to the passion and dedication of our rock star Ocean Odyssey team. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of this dynamic Knysna company, from permit regulations […]

    • Spring Clean Greater Knysna 2019

      “Harnessing the Power of People to Fight Ocean Trash”

        September 21st is International Coastal Cleanup Day, an annual global event where thousands of concerned, ocean-loving souls from more than 100 countries rally together to collect trash on beaches, coasts, rivers, waterways and underwater dive sites before it has the chance to enter our precious oceans. It is the largest volunteer effort in aid […]

    • The Feathers of Knysna

      A Top Birding Destination

      Our main mission at Ocean Odyssey is to showcase Knysna’s phenomenal marine mammal life. But the commentary on our tours very often includes interesting titbits about the other wildlife that we encounter, particularly the abundant bird life. Throughout the broad expanse of the estuary, at the opening of the Knysna River system and soaring above […]

    • The Knysna Seahorse

      A Special Estuarine Resident

          Did you know that our Knysna Estuary boasts the highest biodiversity in comparison to any other estuary in South Africa? It’s a literal treasure trove of flora and fauna. Of  all the critters that reside in the estuary, it is the little Knysna seahorse (Hippocampus capensis) that is the most celebrated. Seahorses belong […]

    • Visit Knysna

      A Top Whale Watching Destination

      Over the past few weeks the Ocean Odyssey team has been balls to the wall busy with an extensive marketing campaign for Knysna, alongside various other local tourism operators and establishments. Together we have worked hard to showcase the diverse and unique attributes that make Knysna so special. Our primary mission, of course, is to […]

    • Why You Should Definitely Visit Knysna During Winter

      Winter Time in Paradise

      Winter has arrived. But it is not the time to simply curl up in the foetal position under a blankie on the couch to binge-watch Netflix in anticipation for the balmy, carefree days of summer to return. Nope, life is short and there is much to see and do in the Greater Knysna region during […]